News Archive

Jim Andreakos: Devoted to Sports and Community

In February, West Jasper Place and Sherwood communities lost a dedicated supporter of sports and our communities. Jim Andreakos, often known as "the soccer guy" passed away after a battle with a debilitating illness.

His wife, Sandy, related that Jim began his service in 1978 when their two sons were ready to play soccer, and he was told that he would have to coach the team if that were to happen. At that time the outdoor soccer season was longer, with registration in March. Soccer started when the snow disappeared from the fields and continued until the end of June. It resumed in September until it was too dark to play on the unlit sports fields. Within a year [1979]  Jim was processing all the soccer registrations for the Edmonton West Zone community teams. All the paperwork and applications had to be checked and verified. The teams were put together, balancing communities that had too few players with ones that had too many. Without computers, the dining room table was kept full of papers and team rosters. Jim also registered hockey players for the community teams until 1982. He had to step away from the registrar activities in 2018 as his health declined. It is difficult to comprehend the hours and days that he would have put in to this passion for children and sports over those 39 years.

On top of the registrar duties, Jim continued to coach the West Jasper/Sherwood soccer teams until 1997, when his son aged out of the league. He coached both indoor and outdoor soccer over those 19 years. Sandy recalls that he also volunteered as a field marshal for soccer and would even spend Father's Day on the soccer field.

Jim was also passionate about our communities. As the Sports Director for the community league, he was involved on the community league Board. In 2001 he stepped up to take on the West Jasper Sherwood Community League President's position, which he held for the next 15 years, until 2016. In 2005, Jim was honored to have Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan participate in the rededication of new playground equipment for our community league. He continued on the community league Board until 2017.

Mite Y 1979, Jim Andreakos
Mite X 1981, Jim Andreakos

In Remembrance: Irene Blain

It is with deep sadness that the family of Irene Blain announce her unexpected passing on March 16, 2021 at the age of 67. Predeceased by her parents and sister Marion, Irene will be sadly missed by Paul, her husband of 44 years, sister Shirley as well as numerous extended family and close friends.

Irene Blain

Irene is one of the few who can say that they were born, raised and lived in the same home for their entire life, right here in West Jasper Sherwood community. Thus, it was natural that she would develop a passion for the success of our community.

After completing her high school at Jasper Place HS, she worked at U of A until the early 90's when she left to care for her mother and sister. Following her mother's passing in 2000, she began to volunteer and organize community responses to civics issues.

One of her earliest concerns was the deterioration of businesses along Stony Plain Road, and the negative public perception that was building. Soon after, she joined the Community League as the Civics Director where she put her extensive knowledge of provincial and municipal development regulations and processes to effective use. She organized many presentations to City committees and to Council.

In the last few years, she served the community league as President, Civics Director and Secretary.

Always a gardener for both flowers and food, planting perennials and shrubs. Her specialty was Saskatoon-rhubarb-raspberry combo canned or frozen, Saskatoons fresh from the U-Pick and the rest fresh right out of the garden.

She always shared her life with her kitties, treating them like royalty. She also had a small cat sitting service so she could love on even more kitties.

Lastly, I wanted to express my condolences to Paul, her marriage partner of 44 years. He relates how much he appreciated both her serious side and her sense of humour. He also related her support for his interests, such as designing and building hovercraft. As much as her friends and supporters in the community will miss her, we know that she has left the largest loss with Paul.

Peter Doell with Paul Blain

Click to read an article about Irene, written by Dawne Colwell

Shakespeare in Our Community

Shakespeare in Edmonton

Join us for Shakespeare in Our Community, on August 28 at 7:30 PM

Edmonton's own Free Will Players will present "MacBeth", in a 70 minute production that is fast, fun, and accessible, keeping the spirit of Shakespeare's words and stories alive. This unique, lovingly told rendition will be enjoyed by everyone from the occasional to the well-read Shakespeare fan. 

A dessert food truck will be available.

The event is planned for outdoors, weather permitting, at our Community Hall (9620-152 Street). If weather is not suitable for outdoors, it will be held in the hall building.

Admission: Donations will be collected for Jasper Place Wellness Centre

Jasper Place Wellness Centre
Jasper Place Wellness Centre builds strong communities and people by addressing social and health-based inequities facing low-income and/or vulnerable neighborhoods. They do this by working with people and assets to find new solutions in the fields of health care, business/employment, food security, community building, and affordable housing.

Green Shack 2021

Please note: Start date has changed. July 12th is the updated start date.

The Green Shack program is coming to Arthur Elliot Park playground (9620 - 152 Street) again this year, starting July 12 - August 27 and continuing Monday through Friday from 2:30 to 5:30 PM.

This program is targeted for children aged 6-12, but all children accompanied by an adult are welcome to attend.

Each day of the week you will get active and experience a variety of crafts, games, sports, and free play! The City of Edmonton would like to acknowledge that our programs respectfully take place on Treaty 6 Territory, and Metis Nation Region 4.

Check out the poster, and find more information at

Reimagining West Jasper Sherwood

Help us reimagine the kind of community we can create together?

Whether you have lived in our community for decades or recently moved in, you have a role to play in this next chapter. The West Jasper/Sherwood Community League is renewing itself. This survey will be the first of many steps, and we hope you'll participate!

Please complete the following survey by August 6th for your chance to win prizes from local businesses and to be a part of shaping our community's future.

Take the Survey!

Leave a message at 780.483.2815 to request a paper copy.

Questions? Email